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Mount Olive Soccer Club


Instructional Program:
The instructional program is a non competitive program. There are no standings and every effort will be made to teach the children the game of soccer, playing fair, and having a good time. Having fun is the top priority. Players will play a variety of positions. All players should play at least half of the game or an equal amount of time unless injured or in violation of the rules. The program takes place weekly on Saturday mornings and in some cases on one weeknight as well. Games are played on fields appropriately sized for each age group and are played largely at Turkey Brook Park. Teams are coached by Volunteer Parent Coaches who have obtained their "F" license in coaching, and are trained by professional coaches as well.

Travel Program:
The travel program is a competitive program. Teams play in the Morris County Youth Soccer Association (MCYSA) League. Games are played against other towns mostly in the Morris County area, and are assigned by the league. Teams are formed after try outs in the Spring of each year and players are expected to participate in both the Fall and Spring seasons. Play time is determined by the Coach and equal play time is not guaranteed. Standings are kept by MCYSA. While the games are generally played to win, a large objective of the travel program is to teach soccer skills and develop a greater love for the game. Teams are coached by Volunteer Parent Coaches who have obtained their "F" license in coaching, and are trained weekly by professional coaches as well. Games are mostly played on Sunday afternoons.
STA Program:
The STA Program is our most competitive program. Teams play under the EDP or USYS E64 leagues, and games could be played anywhere in the tri-state area, but are mostly within a 1 1/2 - 2 hour driving distance. Older teams in the USYS E64 league may play nationwide. Teams are formed after tryouts in the spring of each year, and the season is considered fall through spring, incorporating indoor training/play in the winter months. Play time is determined by the Coach, and games are played to win. Equal play time is not guaranteed. Premier teams are coached by paid, professional coaches and have a licensed Parent Volunteer Coach assigned to each team as well. Teams will train on 3 weeknights each week and games can be played at any time over the weekend, and occasionally during a weeknight.

About Our Club

Mount Olive Soccer Club believes that the pursuit of excellence in the areas of academics and soccer helps develop maturity and self-confidence. We believe that the experiences a player has with Mount Olive Soccer Club will be beneficial throughout their lifetime.

The focus of Mount Olive Soccer Club is the development of the individual player. Our goal is to maximize the development of the individual through programming that challenges each player, a coaching staff that adheres to high standards, and first class facilities. Mount Olive Soccer Club is resolute in dedicating its time and resources to the technical, tactical, physical, and psychological aspects of playing soccer.

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Mount Olive Soccer Club
P.O. Box 20 
Flanders, New Jersey 07836

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Mount Olive Soccer Club

P.O. Box 20 
Flanders, New Jersey 07836

Email: [email protected]

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